Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Cardinal and Bosola

See the independent and homework page for questions on The Cardinal and Bosola - bring notes in - don't post.

Mr. D

Monday 23 May 2011

This week...

Thanks for everyone who got work to me last week/this morning. If you miss a deadline, please bring the work to me in person and I'll look over it whilst you're present.

Here's what we discussed this morning in regards to timing and preparation:

Look for the Love's Growth and Love's Alchemy mp3 files in the shared area (in folder now!)

Tomorrow - 8.00am start - 2hrs on Act 5
- 10.00am with Mrs. G on Othello

Friday - period 3&4 (poss hospitality suite) - Role of Women in Malf and Donne
- period brng in contextual references

First week back Monday and Tuesday - Essay questions and responses

Saturday 060611 - revision session (please check you are available)

Second week Monday and Tuesday - we'll arrange closer to the time to see what we need top revise/cover.

If you have any issues, please see me in advance and in person so we can rectify.

Mr. D

Monday 16 May 2011

Preparation for Monday's Lesson

You need to complete this work for Monday's lesson. I'm aware that some students have exam on during this period, but you need to ensure you manage you time effectively so you can fit in this work. It should take you no longer than 1 hour (leaving 2 hours for the essay task further below):

1. How does Act 5 work structurally? Track the elements and draw a diagram.
2. If Act 5 is particularly important in the understanding of Bosola's psyche, how does Webster explore this?
3. Why does Bosola take such pleasure (is it the same pleasure we see in Act 4 with the D?) in (planning - does it go to plan?) and enacting the brothers' death?
4. Who takes centre stage in Act 5

Essay take in review of Act 4:
'Psychological disintergration is often the central horro of Renaissance tragedy'. With particular reference to Act 4, how far do you think this statement is true in relation to the Duchess of Malfi as a play. (not just her, Ferdinand and Bosola).

Mr. D

- if you have any troubles please see me in person and in advance of the deadlines - don't send me an email telling me that you haven't done the work, come and work out/negotiate a strategy to get it done.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

This week's work...

Bobbie - Danielle has the resources for you and Fran - Taylor has them for you.

This week you have a minimum amount to complete, but what you complete may vary depending on you poem choices.

  • Complete the sheet and then essay/close reading response for Twickenham Gardens

  • Complete the reading on the Ecstacy and complete annotations on the poem (Extension)

  • Complete the sheet on Love's Alchemy (revision for those in lesson)

  • Complete the sheet for Love's Growth for discussion in lesson next Tuesday.
As mentioned above, you may wish only to complete the sheet for TGardens and the an essay on the Ecstacy or either of the Love's ? poems. I'll leave it to you, but you need to submit one on Tuesday for marking and have all the other development sheet completed.

Mr. D

Monday 9 May 2011

D of M for next week

Post your response about the fable of the Salmon and Dog fish on the homework page. For extension you could also review Ferdinand's fable of Love, Death and Reputation and Antonio's mythical and classical allusions.

Review Act 4 and it's dramatic techniques (used to develop the D's torture).

Also, read the reviews given out last week, taking relevant notes as evidence for next week's lesson too.

Mr. D

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Work for the 9th and 10th

As instructed in lesson today, the following preparation work and reading should be complete:

For Monday (Double lesson on D of M)

Read the reviews and the article on the meaning of Malfi
Read and review the short piece on Blank verse
Review Act 3

For Tuesday (8:00 - 10:00am)
Complete your sonnet annotations on A3 paper - ready to put on display.
Ensure Twickenham Gardens' annotations are uptodate - we'll finish in the morning session for 1/2 hour
Complete annotations (diction & intended meanings) for Love's Growth and Love Alchemy.

Friday 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding long weekend

Whilst you're enjoying the pleasure of another (mini) holiday, can i remind you of a few details:

1. Tuesday morning's lessons start at 8:00am - we'll be doing two hours on The D of M.

2. On Tuesday, your essay comparing the two Aubades, The Sun Rising and The Good Morrow is due in full. This is the essay that you started in time conditions in lesson, had feedback on and have had three weeks to complete.

3. You should also be working on your Sonnet (Daisy you didn't stay to collect one from me - choose one of the ones in your annotations book to work on). Your full analysis will be due in the following Monday.

4. You should also have finished reading the excerpt on Plutonic Love, the two introductions on Revenge Tragedies.

5. If you missed the lesson on the Canonisation, you need to ensure you've listened to the podcast/mp3 file and have finished your annotations.

6. All your annotations, for the poems we have covered should be finished in detail too.

WORRYINGLY, I still have coursework outstanding. If it is not submitted (appropriately, to length and with references) by Tuesday morning it will not be marked for submission for your F663 component for the exam board and you'll loose 40% of you overall A Level Grade.
