Friday 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding long weekend

Whilst you're enjoying the pleasure of another (mini) holiday, can i remind you of a few details:

1. Tuesday morning's lessons start at 8:00am - we'll be doing two hours on The D of M.

2. On Tuesday, your essay comparing the two Aubades, The Sun Rising and The Good Morrow is due in full. This is the essay that you started in time conditions in lesson, had feedback on and have had three weeks to complete.

3. You should also be working on your Sonnet (Daisy you didn't stay to collect one from me - choose one of the ones in your annotations book to work on). Your full analysis will be due in the following Monday.

4. You should also have finished reading the excerpt on Plutonic Love, the two introductions on Revenge Tragedies.

5. If you missed the lesson on the Canonisation, you need to ensure you've listened to the podcast/mp3 file and have finished your annotations.

6. All your annotations, for the poems we have covered should be finished in detail too.

WORRYINGLY, I still have coursework outstanding. If it is not submitted (appropriately, to length and with references) by Tuesday morning it will not be marked for submission for your F663 component for the exam board and you'll loose 40% of you overall A Level Grade.


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