Monday 16 May 2011

Preparation for Monday's Lesson

You need to complete this work for Monday's lesson. I'm aware that some students have exam on during this period, but you need to ensure you manage you time effectively so you can fit in this work. It should take you no longer than 1 hour (leaving 2 hours for the essay task further below):

1. How does Act 5 work structurally? Track the elements and draw a diagram.
2. If Act 5 is particularly important in the understanding of Bosola's psyche, how does Webster explore this?
3. Why does Bosola take such pleasure (is it the same pleasure we see in Act 4 with the D?) in (planning - does it go to plan?) and enacting the brothers' death?
4. Who takes centre stage in Act 5

Essay take in review of Act 4:
'Psychological disintergration is often the central horro of Renaissance tragedy'. With particular reference to Act 4, how far do you think this statement is true in relation to the Duchess of Malfi as a play. (not just her, Ferdinand and Bosola).

Mr. D

- if you have any troubles please see me in person and in advance of the deadlines - don't send me an email telling me that you haven't done the work, come and work out/negotiate a strategy to get it done.

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