Sunday 3 January 2010

A little thought before we start this term...

Firsly, welcome back. We hope you had a refreshing holiday and you're reading to submit your coursework essay!

Secondly, Mrs. Gibbons and I have spent considerable time preparing for the next two units of your A2 studies. I would like to state, before we embark on this endeavour, that this will be the more difficult (considerably) section of the course.

Other than planning the lessons to teach you, considerable time has been spent sourcing books for wider reading (I've purchase 6 just for Donne/Malfi alone), sourcing contextual information that directly prepares you for each lesson and sourcing audio/audio visual versions of the play/s and the poems.

Not only this, to come up to speed with the content I've spent at least 20 hours (minimum) of the holidays reading the material we will expect you to read in preparation for sitting your two examinations.

We will help you manage the workload through the unit, but as you approach the end of this course (and for most of you the hope to access university), we expect you level of commitment to match our preparation and hopes for you (Do I sound like The Headmaster or Hector??) - anything less (and we saw this from some during the coursework unit) and we will have an issue!

Can you acknowledge reading this by leaving a judgement/comment - Headmaster or Hector?

Mr. D


Anonymous said...

Read and Understood. - Antony West

Anonymous said...

We have an understanding Sir. Adonis Leboho

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adonis, and I think i'll go with Hector ;)


Anonymous said...

I'm going for headmaster


Anonymous said...

Im going for Irwin. Because he was more determine himself :)


Anonymous said...

Read it and understood Sir, and i'd like to say the Headmaster :)

Anonymous said...

Headmaster; he's the conformist of the bunch :)


Anonymous said...

The headmaster

-David L