Saturday 12 December 2009

Last Friday of term...

We would like everyone to bring in a final draft of their coursework for an hour on the last Friday of term. Mr. Lester (our Borough Advisor and all round knowledgable guy), Mrs. Gibbons and I will be attempting to read and feedback on all of your work.

The session will run from 9.00 - 10.00am and is compulsory for everyone - some of you may have to fight off advances from other teachers who are running lessons in the morning (half of you should be in lesson with me anyway). I'll need a written explanation if you are unable to make it!

Mr. D

Reading for Exam units...

You now need to be reading the following texts:

  • Othello (You may choose to order a copy of a BBC production and watch it - BBC versions are truer to the original text. You may also download of itunes store a audio version)
  • Duchess of Malfi (listening to this may help also - but I find this easier to read)
If you are doing an AS resit you need to re-reading all the Owens poems. You also need to be doing some targetted reading of The GG - focus on key areas (start with reading for character and setting, then focus on re-reading for themes and symbols, then re-read sections focus on review the narrative structure).

You should also be reading through some of the Donne Poems and doing some contextual research ahead of time for all three texts.

If you're doing a resit and preparing for the Exam units you have a lot to cover - please see me if you need some support in planning a schedule to cover everything!

Mr. D